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A reliable manufacturer of Polyester Pet Strap, Packaging Pet Strap, Polyester Straps, Green PET Straps, Natural PET Straps, Polyethylene Terephthalate Straps, Natural Green PET Straps, etc.

In India, we, Aspino Strap Industries are famous as a leading manufacturer of high-quality PET Strap. With great quality, high strength, and durability of our products, our company has been continuously meeting the exact needs of our various clients. The range we deal in includes Green PET Strap, Red Polyethylene Terephthalate Strap, Green Packaging Strap, Green PET Strap, etc. For ensuring production capacity of 05 MT per day, we have imported a fully automatic extrusion processing equipment. Therefore, bulk orders are completed by us efficiently in less time. Our company has the support of highly trained technical manpower which is engaged in making outstanding and consistent quality PET strap. Fluency of our business always remain undisturbed because of the hard work of our workers. Our members include manufacturers, quality experts, storage personnel and shipment executives. All the employees known the important of teamwork and they stay connected with each other while working. We have hired a separate team for rendering support service which is available day and night. Its responsibility is to resolve the queries of buyers related to products, prices and delivery. 


Our Nlodern Plant is located at Plot No.12, Survey No.247 P3 & P4, , Boss Industrial Estate, Hadmatiya Road, Morbi-363650, India. It has successfully acquired cutting-edge technology, which is responsible our exceptional and high quantity production. Our current manufacturing capacity is 1800 tonnes per year, and we are planning to increase it to 2500 tonnes per year in future. 

Quality Assurance 

From raw material handling to strap manufacturing, we conduct extensive laboratory and field testing procedures. To examine the features of our range, we use the most up-to-date computerised testing equipment. Green PET Strap, Red Polyethylene Terephthalate Strap, and other items are inspected for parameters such as:

  • Tensile Strength
  • Dimensions
  • Break Strength
  • Elongation Percentage 

Satisfied Client Base 

Today, the company can boast of a large number of customers who are completely satisfied and loyal to the brand. Along with our product range, buyers are highly pleased by our policy of keeping the promises. We are always focused to fulfill commitments made regarding perfect packaging and quick shipment.

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